the naked truth

Let’s be honest, weight loss is NOT a goal, it’s a side effect of taking actions and mindfully shifting your daily behaviors, just like weight gain is a symptom of certain daily actions, reactions or habitual behaviors. In my professional opinion neither one holds any value as a “goal” to attain or to define who you are.

(Truth bomb: If it was just about the weight, you would have lost it by now)

So, let’s dig deeper, breakdown walls, limitations, fears, excuses and blame because when we get down to the naked truth we can then build up a healthier happier you, body, mind & soul and isn’t that our heart’s desire!

⚠️Warning this may get tough, you may meet a few lies, demons, skeletons in the closet (that have real faces and names) BUT trust me it’s worth the effort.

These questions are designed to make sure your goals that you continue to say you want are still in alignment wth your values and passion of the present, if not release them and define your new aligned goals.

This will bring your attention to your inner strengths and the resources that are all around you, and by reaching within and asking for help if need be, you will be able to gain the momentum and fInd the courage to dust off your dreams and move them across the finish line, no matter how long the journey takes.

To begin, write down your dream goal in as much detail as possible and then answer these seven questions.

1. What do you like best about this goal?

2. When have you been successful in a similar goal or challenge in the past?

3. What strengths can you use to move this goal forward?

4. What resources do you have to help you move this goal forward?

5. Who can help you with this goal?

6. Which things in your life are helping you move toward this goal?

7. What things in your life are holding you back from taking action toward your goal?


I encourage you to sit with this as we continue this wellness journey, take notes, brain dump, pray, breathe and let yourself be honest & vulnerable to the process.

Support & encouragement are here for you, please do not hide from the wellness community, comment, share & ask questions during this process, if you can’t reframe your mindset and belief system I promise no amount of workouts or water will give you the motivation to continue.

Much love, 💕

Coach Joy

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Diet vs. Habits


adjust my thought process