No more wishy washy, toe dipping, half-ass commitments…

It’s not Easy It’s a Choice!

As a wellness coach, BODi partner & cheerleader for my clients this is me being really honest, I’m not playing small in 2024, no wishy washy, toe dipping half-ass commitments, are the words I actually typed to my wellness clients, because let’s get real, you didn’t sign up for small, not for an idea and not a small challenge, a small goal or a small life shift. We aren’t 5 years old throwing pennies in the wishing well hoping everything turns out just the way we wish, without any work or investment on our part. And as a coach it’s my job to bring the experience, tools and programs with a little push that get results, it’s my clients job to bring the effort and commitment to the program they signed up for to get the desired results.

Realty Check, if you’ve made it to 35, 40, 45 and onward I’m guessing you still have a big goal, a desire for something different, you saw potential in yourself to say yes at one point along this journey of health, fitness, personal growth or the likes, I mean I’m guessing you want to live a happy, healthier vibrant life for at least a few more decades and if you said yes, my questing is are all in just until a little thing called LIFE gets your attention, the word we love to use with the other 4 letter word BUSY shows up newsflash: it happens on the hour every hour…life is busy, but we as women tend to use this as a signal to drop the dreams, abandon the healthy habits, forget the commitment to our healthy habits, we toss it aside because the freaking world needs ME!

Nope, the world was actually fine without you and will continue to be fine when you decide to make the choice to set boundaries, not easy but it’s a choice and one you get to make my friend.

You have the power, if you didn’t know that, you’re welcome I’m giving you permission to take the power to set up a real calendar with you on it and your priorities, not just kids activities, hubby’s stuff and appointments that span over a year’s time. It’s time to put you on the schedule not selfishly but a priority, so it looks like this you must decide when you are taking action on your personal wellbeing and what that look like, how you will do it and when each day, also what parameters are you setting to celebrate your succuss along the way, because we don’t wait for the finish line baby, we celebrate each step we take in our Fully Committed Community. I’ve seen too many women wither away into a shell of who God intended them to be in the name of service to others and it’s just what I am or what I do and it starts early, age 35, 40, 45…as we get comfortable living a glorious BUSY LIFE!!

Each one here has very different goals, dreams and desires, but what makes the Fully Committed Community so beautiful is we are humans, we are women all created by a perfect Creator for a purpose to live a fruitful and abundant life. I know I’m not the only one that has felt less than joyful and abundant at times but it’s as simple as shifting our mindset from “this isn’t going to be easy, but I’m thankful that I have this choice everyday to make my wellness a priority and live in an abundant & fruitful way of thinking.”

Things that need you to make a choice about starting today, not someday soon, not Monday, not February 1, not when the time seems less busy, start taking the steps today:

“it’s not easy, it’s a choice!”

- fitness actually getting in daily movement

- meal planning / shopping / prepping

- sleep schedule: neglect this and everything else gets harder

- relationships: when will you cultivate your marriage, parenting, friendships

- quiet time prayer, devotions, journaling

- personal development: live in a growth mindset attitude learn and take action

- find a fun hobby or learn something new

- community involvement - hello we are here to connect, celebrate and do life with

- sharing failures with a view of learning: someone is looking at you to lead them

- get dressed for the way you want to feel everyday!

- declutter your home for peace & clarity and less distractions to take you away from what’s really important

You are either ready to choose change or choosing to continue living a life you have already said you aren’t happy with. I’m still a work in progress and this list grew a few tasks as I wrote this because I myself need to start taking steps that lead to the life my heart desires too!

Fully Committed to continued learning & growth!

Coach Joy


Self-Help vs. Growth Mindset


Journey of a thousand chapters